Here at AgentMail, we try to be as open and honest with our pricing as possible. We hate going to web sites that won’t list their pricing. With that in mind, we do reserve the right to alter our pricing based on the individual circumstances of a client’s job. The print and mail industry has a number of strict processes to ensure the best results for its clients, but this can often mean higher costs. Some examples of reasons as to why we may not be able to honour pricings listed on this site include:
- Paper stock our equipment has certain parameters and some paper stocks, especially thick or silky/glossy, may mean we have to complete the job manually.
- Data formatting if your documents do not meet the correct standards of our printing partners, there may be an additional charge to correctly format it before going to print. This may also be the case if your customer data file is in a format where we cannot perform merging (e.g. if you provide us with a hand written customer list).
Payment Terms
In order to provide you with the best possible pricing, we ask that all invoices are paid within 7 days. In order for us to lodge large amounts of mail on our own Australia Post account, it is essential that we are able to clear the balance as quickly as possible. Similarly, with our printing partners, we are able to negotiate the best prices when we are great payers. All of this ensures we can offer the widest range of services at the most competitive prices.
As much as we try to check everything provided, where you provide a document to us for printing, we cannot guarantee it will be free of typos or grammatical errors etc., so please ensure that you have thoroughly checked your documents before sending as it remains your responsibility. All printing completed must be paid for, regardless of if there are errors on the document.
Your privacy and that of your customers is very important to us. Any data provided to us remains with us unless expressly consented by you and for only the reasons agreed to for the purposes of the job. Once we have completed a job for you, all data is removed from our hard drives.
We are also more than happy to provide non-disclosure agreements to any clients that would like one.
The bottom line is we aim to be open and honest with you and provide you with second-to-none service at an affordable price. We will never go ahead with anything without first discussing it with you. There should never be any surprises on your invoices.
AgentMail reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order at our discretion. Any payments received by AgentMail for a job that is subsequently cancelled will be refunded to the customer.
If you require any further information or wish to discuss any of our terms and conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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